Aussie Seller News - April 2022

See the changes we're making and what they mean for your eBay business. We've written this update in collaboration with eBay sellers, so you can see what they think about the changes too.

We know unpaid orders can be frustrating, so we’re making changes to reduce them for you

This topic was reviewed by Jason Ramage, eBay seller since 2005

We know you like saving on fees and reaching new buyers, so we launched a new tool

This topic was reviewed by Georgina Bennet, eBay seller since 2004

We know you care about your visibility on eBay, so we’re continuing to update Item Specifics Requirements and eBay category structures

We know eBay data helps you run your business, so we’re giving you more accurate listing view counts

We heard you want opportunities to scale your eBay business, so we’ve launched an eBay-integrated Fulfillment solution